
Comprehensive Trademark Searches

We focus on making sure your business is safe from legal problems by providing thorough trademark search services. Let Brandmark Masters handle all the necessary searches for you!

  • Experienced Professionals
  • Thorough Trademark Reports
  • Efficient AI Search Tools
Start My Trademark Registration View 50% Off Pricing PACKAGES START AT $149 + USPTO FILING FEES - VIEW PACKAGES
How It Works?

Our Comprehensive Trademark Search Process

Our experts conduct extensive trademark searches to ensure your mark’s availability.


Fill Out a Simple Questionnaire

Begin by filling out a form with essential information about your brand.


Thorough Search

Our experienced team conducts a comprehensive trademark search based on your details to protect your brand and avoid potential legal conflicts.


Submit Application to USPTO

Once your brand's availability is confirmed, we will assist you in filing your trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Why Invest in Trademark Searches?

According to the USPTO, almost 20% of applications face denial due to similarities with existing marks. Do a proper search before you apply for trademark to verify if your mark is not already used or trademarked by another person. This upfront investment can save time and resources, preventing lengthy legal battles and potential expenses. It's a cost-effective precautionary step, minimizing the risk of expensive legal proceedings, including litigation and damages.

Your Complete Documentation Checklist

  • To register your trademark, gather the following information:
  • Name, full legal address, and owner.
  • Specify the type of entity (partnership, corporation, individual, etc.) you are registering.
  • Provide details about the trademark, including whether it's already in use or intended for future use.
  • Include a drawing and a specimen copy of the mark, showcasing its actual use.
  • For intent-to-use marks, include a drawing of the trademark as intended to be used.
  • Specify relevant dates, such as when the mark was first used on products/labels or when it was first advertised.
  • For intent-to use marks, attach a drawing of how the trademark will be used.
  • Clearly define the type of goods or services for which the mark is being registered.

Our Affordable Comprehensive Trademark Search Packages

Our budget-friendly bundles deliver exceptional value without compromise. Protect your brand today!

Federal and State Search

Starting from


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What’s included
  • Checks for similar names, logos, or slogans registered or pending with the USPTO.
  • Extends to all 50 states to ensure comprehensive coverage.
  • Provides a comprehensive list of matches with essential information to guide your next steps.

Federal, State, & Common Law

Starting from


Includes everything from Federal and State Search packages plus:

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What’s included
  • A comprehensive examination of corporate names across all 50 states.
  • Utilization of corporate directories to identify potentially similar entries to your mark.
  • Proprietary online searches to discover potential common law trademark protections for your name.
  • Searches across top-level domain names to check if your name is used online.


Starting from


Includes everything from Federal, State and Common Law packages plus:

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What’s included
  • We perform searches in international jurisdictions, including:
  • The European Community
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Jessica Taylor

Founder of Photonix

I had a bad experience working with my previous agency for a comprehensive trademark search. Switching to Brandmark Masters was a game-changer. Their team was thorough, providing detailed insights that my previous provider missed. They kept me informed at every project stage, rendering the entire process remarkably stress-free.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can your comprehensive search be expedited for time-sensitive trademark registrations?
  • Do you provide ongoing support after the comprehensive search, especially if conflicts arise later?
  • Is the information provided during the comprehensive search kept confidential?
  • Can your comprehensive search identify potential challenges in international markets?
  • Is there a follow-up process after the comprehensive search?
  • What databases do you search during a comprehensive trademark search?

Get Your Trademark Registered Today!

Secure your logo, name, or slogan in the USA with a reasonable flat fee. Contact our experts to get started!

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